Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cynical Women, no more

Through the years self driven men have given the title of being the Alpha and Omega of this Utopia. And by god, women have accepted their roles as the under achievers of this world. Through change and evolution, Women are becoming a lot more superior than men. Government jobs, Presidential runs, High School Football Coach, CEO's, ETC... Through scientific research men have only proven to be physically stronger. Yet women still have a sickening weakness in their lives. Their weakness is MEN. Somehow, someway, women continue to allow men to step on them & walk on them as if they were both the slave and the master. Men dont have the intelligence to overcome adversity with women, so they trick you. Ladies you are the only species that can dictate your own future by simply closing your legs. The cars, the clothes, the jewelry, the nightlife, mean absolutely nothing if hes got no brains. Ladies you dont have to be scared, we do. Because of cruelty, were loosing our structured rights with women.

Think of it this way... Your at a BBQ and the fellas are rapping about how they purchased the girls wine coolers. Telling them to stay away from the "big boy" drinks. The "fellas" arent even smart enough to read and realize that wine coolers contain more alcohol than beer and any 80 proof whiskey.

Some "man" is probably out there saying, "well thats the point, to get them drunk" smh

1 comment:

  1. Wow I like what you have done with the site. I need to stop by more often. But I came by to invite you by the new spot. You probably wont recognize it. It used to be MsKaayzblogspot. But its a new day & everything has transformed into what we call HipHopSwagga. When you get a chance stop by & get acquainted with our new features. Hope to see you soon.

    CEO, Ms Kay
