Monday, April 9, 2012

Make Art

More Art. More music. Less war. Easier said than done

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Never date an Astronaut

Never date someone who has a complex, about being to complex.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


The mother of all inventions. The reason behind great work ethic. You give a man motivation, you give him an unlimited amount of capability. This type of power is both physical and emotional. Mastering human relations is the ability to motivate someone to their full capability, and not manipulate.

Less Manipulation. More Motivation

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Despite time going by so fast, it all remains an illusion. That being said I'm a kind of guy that's having too good a time today to be worried about tomorrow. Tomorrow is near, very near, but not as near as the next hour. In this next hour thousands of people will pass, 230 acts of racism will occur, 120 car accidents will be reported, and I will make 2 or 3 mistakes. So why sit here and worry about the near future, when I can enjoy life and anticipate the next hour.

So truly, what is the distinction between the past the present and the future?
Your call

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wanna walk in my shoes, you need 10 socks

Maybe everyone should be a waiter, so they could learn how to treat people. Maybe everyone should be a trucker, so they could appreciate the road more. Maybe everyone should be the president for a day, so they could see what it's like to make executive decisions. A parent, to know true responsibilities. An athlete, to encounter dedication. A cancer patient, to know true struggle. A bum, to become humble. An animal, to appreciate what they eat with mashed potatoes. A doctor, to become able to handle emotions.

Maybe everyone should put on 10 pairs of socks, before trying on the shoe

Seek Truth

They tell us there's no money to pay off our own debt. Except it's not our debt. It's their debt. And we just pay the price. Kind of like a man getting shot in his neighborhood streets during a drive by. And the target was the real gangsters. But they survived. The innocent guy walking his dog didn't.
Wrong place. Wrong time. Like being born after 63' doesn't allow you to retire off your social security benefits.

Pussies with big mouths. Those who can do. Those who can't teach. Seek truth

Monday, June 20, 2011

Which past. What future

People speak of going back into the past and changing the outcome of things. Forgetting that every mistake has brought u wisdom, every loss has brought u gains, and every tragic event has brought you courage.
People speak of the future with certainty. While others dawn on the what if(s),and feel as if they need to know the future to ready they're minds. Fear the unknown and therefore suffer. If good things are coming they will be a pleasant surprise. If bad things are coming, and you know in advance, you will suffer greatly before they even occur.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


My future girl is intelligent. Open minded, resourceful, well behaved, self motivated, and has more inter beauty than what just meets the naked eye. Saying this is the girl of my dreams is stupid, and very cliche. This is my girl, the mother of my children, and she only helps me become a better person. A Buddhist monk once told me "If you don't find an intelligent companion, who is going the same way as yourself, then go on your way alone like a king abandoning a conquered kingdom."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

illusional success

The greatest power in the universe is convincing yourself that everything is an illusion. Keeping emotions out of things rewards you eternal piece. Living as though life was borrowed, a game, yet still willing and able to do good. Or recognize good for that matter. Knowing what's there while others don't. Looking at the focal point of a picture, while others look at its texture. Illusional Success.

Think outside the fox

As soon as man can live outside himself, he begins to live. Man can always suit himself right, but is a living testament to stubbornness. Live beyond yourself, suit others, suit women, the results are blatant.

Friday, May 13, 2011

War against Terror?

They tell us we are not at war with Islam. We are at war against terror, Al Qaeda, The Taliban. Yet Islam has some rugged beliefs of their own. Im starting to think were being called "Europe". I don't know about you, but this shit has been sketchy since day one. Thats enough politics for a year. God is Love, Rev Run

No radio play from me. Maybe from my neighbor across the street who listens to Waka Flaka as an advocate. Or half my friends on facebook who listen to Lil Wayne and Drake and call them the best rappers alive. Or the girl who scans my gym barcode and is always listening to Lady Gaga Gaga. But as a music enthusiast, a listener of all genres, iv'e lost hope for radio stations. See people can say "hip hop is dead", but it really isn't. Truth is it never will be. What they should say is "good hip hop is dead". Because its a shame that a man, no a kid with no history or knowledge can hop on an empty beat and make a couple of senseless rhymes and make a quick million dollars. Then get radio play for a year before he's disappeared. Hey Mr. No Soul Candy Kid Big Rims Nice Stereo, your On The Air.

Respect the Architect

A man must first direct himself in the way he must go. Only then should he instruct others. A man must not take on the path, but become the path. Respect the Architect

Friday, April 15, 2011

Its ok to be a "Shark in the Water"

They say its not about the destination; its all about the journey. Ill be dammed if your journey does not co-exist of cynical individuals with negativity and "reality" checks. Bumps in the road, disasters at hand, a load on your chest. Thats what makes the journey so beautiful. While some will die you will live to reach your destination, because when things got tough you became a shark in the water. Killed anything in your way, attacked hatred before it fully developed, and intimidated others with your teeth, while each tooth its own story, each representing your determination. Sometimes its ok to become a shark in the water.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A heart for a heart

A heart for a heart, a life for a life. Call it god's work, call it religion, call it the law of the universe, call it a conspiracy. But its the events like this that allows me to value and understand life on a whole other dimension. I lost my uncle at the age of 9 in a shooting. Months later my baby sister was born. Seeing my mother in tears, any mother in tears, is an open wound that isnt stitch-able. But a new soul being brought to life in the form of replacement is somewhat special. I lost my grandmother this christmas. Everyone deals with their losses differently. But the conspiracy of the matter is that my niece was born a month after. The start of a new generation. Its both the beauty and the ugly of life. But you learn to admire both.