Friday, May 15, 2009


I want to start off by saying I am not a preacher. I am a 19 year old who enjoys listening to music, loves sports, and enjoys the study of women. And is generally inlove with a female that isnt inlove with him, and it is not puppy love lol. As you see on the blog under this one I wrote about the Holy Rollers who crashed my sleep this morning. So that got me thinking about my faith...

Have you ever wondered how this world your in first began? As we were told, the universe was made in 7 days. One day God created light. On another he created water. Then he created a barrier between the bottom of the ocean, and the top of the ocean, that is now called the Sky. Then he created our grounds that was started off by dirt. Then he created our plants that brought seeded herbs and fruits. Along came the animals from the sea, the sky, and ground. And on the last day he created man and woman, known as Adam & Eve. Correct? ok...

This brings me a million question...
  • If God created the universe, who created God?
  • Who created the dinosaurs? Who came first? lol
  • What came first, God, or life?

Im not questioning my faith, but its hard not to when a lot of things are left a mystery.

What came first, the chicken or the egg? lol

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